Our Vision, Missions & Aims

Our Vision

To create, a strong, fair, harmonious and a proud British Nation, celebrating patriotism and respect for all our people.

Our Mission

  • To promote the concept of responsible citizenship; to instil a sense of personal pride in all our citizens of being British and create a real sense of collective Identity regardless of one’s background.
  • To facilitate, inspire and strengthen the spirit of inclusion and involvement and social responsibility in all our communities in an effort to promote peaceful, respectful coexistence in citizens who will play a more active part in the wellbeing of our Nation.
  • To instil a sense of pride and self-esteem in our youth and to nurture their beliefs with positive experiences and valuable role models for them to become responsible citizens and aspire to play an important role in the life of our Nation.
  • To encourage the involvement of all our communities in raising Britain’s economy through prosperity born from passion and pride in the Nation.
  • To recognise, acknowledge and value our diverse communities and their cultural heritage while aiming to facilitate and harness their integration into mainstream Britain.
  • To enhance the image of our Nation both nationally and internationally.

Our Aims

  • To provide an organisation / body through which all citizens of Great Britain can openly declare, demonstrate and celebrate their passion, pride and allegiance towards our Nation.
  • To work with mainstream organisations to collectively promote the concept of good citizenship, fairness, respect for all and to embrace a shared future with a strong and true sense of belonging for all our people.
  • To promote, rejoice and celebrate the successes of our people under the common and collective identity of being British.
  • To reach out to all sections of the community through mass engagement in an effort to win their confidence and support to implement the vision and values shared of our organisation.
  • To re-appropriate the flag of Great Britain so that it represents all people of good conscience, in order to promote and celebrate our common and collective identity.
  • To encourage and facilitate the existence of a National Day to celebrate and promote a sense of national solidarity, allegiance and respect for our Great Nation and all its people to enhance the image of our Nation.